
As we try to meet the needs of the community around us, God has led us to have specific ministries, especially for students. It’s exciting to see where the Sprit is leading us, and as He does so, we’re staying focused on making disciples, “teaching them to obey everything I have commanded”.

About Our Ministry

Our ministries are based upon Jesus’ command to make disciples by “teaching them to obey everything I have commanded”; we’re in the business of making disciples. We minister to individuals and to groups, primarily by making Jesus known. Jesus said, “this is the way to have eternal life — to know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, the one you sent to earth”.

Ministry isn’t one person’s job, Jesus commanded all of us to minister to one another. In addition to our Sunday Services and Wednesday Bible studies, we also minister more specifically to students, young people and we have a ladies ministry. We teach the Word of God, disciple, help practically with problems and difficulties, and encourage everyone in turn to make disciples too. Individually, we encourage all those who attend to use the gifts the Holy Spirit has given them as a part of the body of Christ, to build up that body.

Ladies Ministry

We offer a ministry for women. Our Facebook page is a quick read to encourage women to hear God’s word and grow to be a woman after God’s own heart.

Solomon’s Porch

Solomon’s Porch is an evening where students get together to enjoy a meal and each other’s company. It’s a great time to share with one another and to learn and ask questions about being a disciple of Jesus.

Solomon’s Porch is open to all students and is held fortnightly on a Friday night. Please view our upcoming events for more information.


Bible Study

We have a bible study every Wednesday evening. This is a time for us, as members of the Body of Christ, to study God’s word together. Jesus said ‘truth’ sets us free which makes loads of sense; who ever wanted to believe lies? He also said that we are made holy by truth and He went on to define truth as God’s word. So as His disciples we love to study His word together.

We meet an hour before the Bible Study for prayer for any who wish to join.

Bible studies are open to all. Please view our upcoming events for more information.

For Children

We also have facilities to cater to the needs of infants and children on Sunday mornings.