Message: “1 Peter 1” from Andy Ley
by Calvary Exeter | Jun 10, 2022
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CloseAndy Ley - 05/06/2022
1 Peter 1

The Word of God Endures Forever.
Scripture References: 1 Peter 1:1-25
More Messages from Andy Ley | Download Audio
From Series: "1 Peter"
This letter is written by the apostle Peter, who didn’t start off as a Peter but started life as a Simon. Simon was a fisherman from Galilee and he and his brother Andrew were the first disciples to be called by Jesus.Jesus changed Simon’s name to Cephas meaning rock, which in Greek is Peter.Peter was a rather impulsive person full of bravado but scripture reveals that in the flesh, just like us, he had many weaknesses. When he was with Jesus he said he was prepared to die for Him, but when it came down to it, when he was alone, he cursed and denied his friend.However, when the Holy Spirit came upon Peter, we read that he was full of boldness. This is something we can all learn. In our own strength, we’re pretty pathetic creatures, but in Christ, in the Holy Spirit, we’re strong and more than conquerors.