Message: “2 Peter 1” from Andy Ley
by Calvary Exeter | Jul 13, 2022
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CloseAndy Ley - 10/07/2022
2 Peter 1

Did God Really Say?
Scripture References: 2 Peter 1:1-19
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From Series: "2 Peter"
This letter is written by the apostle Peter, who didn’t start off as a Peter but started life as a Simon. Simon was a fisherman from Galilee and he and his brother Andrew were the first disciples to be called by Jesus.Peter writes his second letter just before he is about to be martyred and his great concern for the church is that she not be deceived.Truth and sound doctrine are fundamental to our faith. Without the knowledge of Jesus and His Word, we will be deceived.Peter encourages the church to increase and be fruitful in 'the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ'. He also warns the church concerning destructive doctrines and false teachers and reminds her that Jesus is coming back.